Resistors are identified by a color code that is printed on the body of the resistor. You can tell what the resistance is by de-coding the colored bands. I can never remember what each color stands for, so I like…
Here is a very cool idea from mindsirobotics.com: “In this Video we took MINDS-i to the next level. Remember when you launched rockets in middle school? Take your school science project to the next level with MINDS-i. This 6×6 Chassis…
Transistors are one of the greatest inventions of all time. These little doohickies are what have made cool things like cell phones, computers, and just about anything tech-like possible. To keep things simple, we are going to look at one…
An integrated circuit can actually be a lot of different things. When you see a little “black box” on a circuit, you are looking at the outside (package) of an integrated circuit (IC for short). An IC is a whole…
If you want to experiment with electronics, an easy way to build circuits is to use a solderless breadboard.
Ciminyjicket created a great robot costume that can be made from scrap wood, cardboard, and PVC pipe. The effect is really great. Here are the build notes… Uploaded to YouTube by criminyjicket http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHGtiRo7_gc Retrieved Tuesday 4th October 2011 9:28 am…