Category: Boys’ Health

“I Love Helmets”

There is a reason why Formula 1 drivers, football players, motocross racers, hockey players, pro cyclists, jockeys, and construction workers wear helmets. I could go into all the reasons trying to argue the benefits of helmets, but this video says…

How to Safely Remove a Tick

Ticks are a part of being outdoors.  These blood sucking arachnids carry disease and should be removed as soon as possible.  The sooner an attached tick is removed, the less likely it is to transmit disease.  The video below shows…

How to Survive a Lightning Strike

A lot of people use the “chance of being struck by lightning” to sound like it is about as likely as winning a lottery.  This is really a dangerous way to think of it.  The reason that few people are…

What’s a 12 Year Old Hamburger Look Like?

Amazingly, it looks pretty much the same.  I had heard you could do this with Twinkies (they have a half life instead of a shelf life), but you might think that “meat” would eventually decompose, draw flies, maggots, mold…something.  Back…

“I just shot my best friend” 911 Call

Most of the posts on are fun.  This one is not.  I finally got tired of reading about kids accidentally shooting themselves, their friends, and their family members.  This video contains the audio from a 911 call placed by…