Category: Outdoors

Campfire Bacon and Eggs

The Professor demonstrates frying bacon and eggs using coals from the campfire and the small cast iron skillet from his Common Man’s Cook Kit inspired by David Wendell of BushcraftOnFire.

How Fast Can You Set Up a Tent? See a video of a one-legged man setting this tent up in less than a minute. I would love to see a whole scout troop or pack setting up a line of tents in seconds.  Never hassle with setting…

Earth Skills

Have You Ever Longed To Return To A Past Where Humanity’s Greatest Concern Was Survival, When Our Hands Created Life’s Necessities, When The Land’s Raw Provisions Were The Materials With Which We Created Warmth, Shelter, Food, and Tools–A Time Before…

How to Tie a Bloodline (Video)

A blood knot (Barrel knot) is most usefully employed for joining sections of monofilament nylon line while maintaining a high portion of the line’s inherent strength. Other knots used for this purpose can cause a substantial loss of strength. In…