Adam from (a great site to check out) designed and built a completely awesome photo finish instant reply as part of his inventing merit badge. A big thanks to Adam and his dad for putting this on YouTube and their killer blog.
Designed and built as part of Adam’s Inventing Merit Badge project
Uploaded to YouTube by iancole
Retrieved Thursday 2nd February 2012 9:53 am EST
From YouTube:
Designed and built as part of Adam’s Inventing Merit Badge project
Problem: “Parents have trouble seeing the finish line because Cub Scouts are sitting around it and blocking the view”
He decided to build a camera system (with slow motion replay) that could be projected onto the wall, acting like a “JumboTron” at sporting events.
This system was not used for judging or scoring, only for keeping the crowd excited at the event.
For more information see the full blog post at
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