We have been using some “program your own video game” software lately, such as Kodu, Alice and Greenfoot. These are cool programs, but we just found Scratch (from the MIT Media Lab). For a brand new beginner, Scratch is hands down the best. Scratch installs quickly and easily, and uses simple puzzle-piece shapes to build a complete working program. You can use it to make animations, write programs, or make video games. This is a program all four of my sons enjoy. In one evening, my 11 year old built a driving game. There are also lots of tutorials and sample games online. Check it out at http://scratch.mit.edu.
Here is an actual game like the ones you can create and play on your computer or upload for the world to play on the internet…
Uploaded to YouTube by redstartl001
Retrieved Thursday 26th January 2012 10:21 am EST
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