All parents struggle with some of the things their boys do. While there is no magic formula that will work in all situations, it is helpful to understand the kinds of issues that impact a boy’s behavior. If you understand…
Tag: boys
Nurturing Boys
A healthy, nurturing relationship with your son is built through countless interactions over the course of time. It requires a lot of energy and work, but the rewards are well worth it. When it comes to parenting, there are few…
Temper Tantrums
Almost every parent of a toddler has experienced the frustration of dealing with a child throwing a floor-thumping, hair-pulling temper tantrum. Even though this can be embarrassing and challenging for parents, this is normal behavior for most young children. Why…
12 Tips for Toddler Health
1) Teach healthy eating. Provide three nutritious meals supplemented with two to three healthy snacks daily. Feed toddlers at the same time as other family members and allow them to grow into feeding themselves. Offer children nutritious foods and let…
Growth Chart for Boys
Stature for age and weight for age boys 2-20 years old (pdf)