Now this is what I call a model rocket. Created by Steve Eves, this rocket is said to be the largest amateur rocket ever launched. The video was filmed in April of 2005. Here are the specs according to Popular…
Not every treehouse starts with a trip to Boeing Surplus…The RULAV was built in 2009-2010 by Jon Howell and Jeremy Elson, with lots of help from other people. Their site describes the rocket’s design and construction in detail, along with…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvRTHynk9KA Printing an Endless Chair from recycled refrigerators. Design by Dirk vander Kooij (www.dirkvanderkooij.nl)
If you’ve got boys, you probably hear the Star Wars pe-ow! pe-ow! laser blaster sound all around your house. The sounds effects of Star War are some of the most recognizable and endearing characteristics of the movie. Just think of…
The USS Fort Worth was launched Marinette, WI on Dec 4, 2010. See the video of this 3,000 ton warship get dropped into the ocean like a brick.
While it is not quite going to the edge of space, Tom Guilmette has put together a pretty neat rig for taking aerial video footage. The great thing is that everything you need comes from Wal-Mart. This is a great…